Monday, August 21, 2006

The old and the new

I was browsing at a music shop this morning, looking for a CD for my sister's birthday this week and I came across a classic CD that I just had to have.
But first, I picked up quite randomly the debut album by a band called The Fray, whom I had never heard of before. After a listen at one of the listen stations I bought it. The CD is called `How To Save A Life' and is easily the surprise of 2006. (Admittedly that wouldn't be a hard title to claim because this year has been average for music. That is, until the new John Mayer CD is released but that's another story).
The Fray are apparently a soft rock band from the USA and the entire CD is excellent. The single which, now that I've had a listen or two, I have heard once or twice on the radio, is called `Over My Head' and it's a great song, though not the best on the album.
I'd be interested to find out what Pandora has to say about The Fray!
On the classic CD front, I filled a gaping hole in my collection by finally buying Icehouse's Primitive Man album of1982.
That's the one that contains the timeless Great Southern Land (some of you may recall I listed it among my 13 significant songs of a while back. If you don't recall, check back through my archives). I listened to the song with the sound up quite loud while I was washing up this morning and it sent chills up my spine. It does that every time I hear it. I don't know what it is but it strikes the right chord, I guess. I also bought Icehouse's Man Of Colours CD, they were both only 10 bucks so I thought why not.

1 comment:

Tim Cabell said...

I discovered The Fray through Bobby's Working Music posted on
