Sunday, August 27, 2006

Is fear keeping you single?

A feature in the Body & Soul section of the Telegraph caught my eye in the light of what I wrote about a couple of days ago - Is fear keeping you single? - and I think is worth a read.
On one level it appears the article is your usual trash aimed at women, but does it hold within it a truth that us guys don't want to admit?
Fear of rejection, commitment, unworthiness, hurt, failure are all very real, if in some cases unrealistic, fears held by men, including myself (though some more than others) and I know of a few others who have one or more of those fears.
Do they make you less of a man?
A week earlier the same section of the paper held an article on men and depression and how it is becoming more acceptable to admit that you do or have suffered from it.

A secondary issue for me is the issue of fear, not relating to relationships. Many areas of life are currently driven by fear and are therefore having a negative impact. The circumstances are real but the fear is not backed up by rational, hard evidence.


Craig Schwarze said...

What's the way forward?

Ray said...

There is a way forward, I know that for sure. Exactly what that is hasn't hit me yet.