Monday, August 28, 2006


I've seen some heavy movies over the years, the likes of last year's Mysterious Skin spring to mind, but the new Aussie film 2:37 is something else.
Set in an average school and focusing on six central characters it tells the story of a teenage suicide in a very graphic and disturbing manner, something even I wasn't prepared for despite having read a few reviews.
The six characters: Luke, Sarah, Steven, Melody, Marcus and Sean all show reason why it could be them whose life ends at the start of the film. I'm not going to tell you who it is. That would spoil it and I think spoil one of the main points of the film.
It was harrowing, the teenagers lives were laid out for you to see and at times it is difficult to watch. At one point I was almost moved to tears. I will admit it took a little while for the film to grab me but the way it slowly built the tension, largely derived from what the six are going through individually and as interesting and sometimes surprising pairs, to a point that the end was so shocking.
There has been a lot of criticism of 2:37 for its graphic nature, a nature that earned it an R (18+) rating. I can see why. However, let me jump on the soapbox and say that by giving it such a rating it is shutting out the people who must see this film.
The cast of relative unknowns do a great job, and Gary Sweet has a minor role, and I was drawn into their world, probably to my own detriment.
(Some people have said that 2:37 is very similar to a film called Elephant made by Gus Van Sant, I can't comment on this having not seen that film.)
Should you see this film? I'd say yes, absolutely, but if you do be wary that you are in for a challenging, confronting, graphic and shocking experience. Do you still want to see it?
I certainly didn't expect to be saying this, but this is one of the films of the year. A 9 out of 10.
A quote from the film is worth repeating here because I think it somewhat transcends teenage life, there's a truth there that I think we should all remember:
`Sometimes you get so caught up in your own stuff you don't notice anyone else.'


Chelsea Taylor said...

Hey Ray,
I came to your site through 10000 words, hope you dont mind.

I havent yet seen this film, but would like to.
I have also heard it been likened to Elephant, and Elephant is one of my favourite films, so that not only makes me want to see it more, but means i'd suggest you see Elephant sometime if you get the chance. I suspect it wont be as heavy as 2:37, but is still definately full on and very well made.

Anyway...I found your comment that the rating is shutting out the people who should see this film very interesting. I am doing a subject on censorship at uni at the moment and its definately complex to figure out who should be able to see what, what is harmful, etc. I'm guessing you are referring to the fact that this film is about teenagers and thus they should be able to see it, be confronted by it, and hopefully therefore challenged and changed by it perhaps?! Although ishould see the film before making any judgement like this, i think i would agree with you...

I could talk about films for a long time, especially heavy films, of which i have also seen a lot, but i wont ramble on too much longer here haha.
I would be interested to know what you thought of Mysterious Skin though?? (havent seen it, tossed up whether to at the time...)

Ray said...

Chelsea, thanks for your comments. Mysterious Skin was amazing but at times hard to watch. It's not for everyone. I'd say if it interests you then watch it. The final scene is shattering yet it offers closure.
Yeah I think MA15+ would have been sufficient, let me know what you think.