Saturday, November 11, 2006

Everything: you've heard me rave about it, now listen for yourself

Thanks to the wonderous YouTube you can now listen to the song, Everything by Lifehouse, that I have been going on about on this blog for a while. It's not a video clip as such but the lyrics do scroll across as the song plays.
So if you've got six minutes to spare, sit back and be drawn into what I see as one of the most powerful worship songs I've ever heard.
And let me know what you think.


Lara said...

It is a beautiful and powerful song.

Ray said...

Glad you liked it Lara, it is one of my favourite songs.

Chelsea Taylor said...


you are right, it is very powerful!

"How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?" So, so true!

Ray said...

I love listening to this song any time but when the room is a bit dark and you can concentrate on the words it is amazing. I'm glad you liked it Chelsea - it's worth having in the collection.