Wednesday, November 29, 2006

All in the mind?

I'm beginning to wonder whether a lot of my troubles at the moment are all in the mind.
The strange thing about it is there doesn't seem to be a reason. Am I worried/stressed/anxious about the fact that I feel run down and tired?
Does that cause the occasional tight feeling in the chest or sporadic rushes I feel in that area.
I saw a Chinese doctor today and he concluded that there was unlikely to be any structural problems but said my pulse was fast and a shade weak. He suggested movement and I might well go for a session of acupuncture in a couple of days.
He also suggested getting an ECG just to make sure there's nothing wrong, while I haven't had one for quite a while I would have thought the blood tests and physical check I had about 10 days ago would have raised a flag if there was something there.
The thing about anxiety is that it can be a vicious circle and you can become anxious about being anxious. This is what is leading me to believe it's all in my head.


Craig Schwarze said...

Are you back at work now? How has it been?

Lara said...

Hi Ray, even if it is all in your head, that doesn't make it less real or less of a problem. Anxiety and depression don't necessarily have obvious causes, and there can be a lot of guilt about feeling this way when there are so many people much worse off. I think it's particularly hard for Christians, since we're supposed to be joyful. I know how it feels when it seems that nobody understands or really cares about what you're going through, though it's probably not true. Our thoughts can be so messed up at times! Have you thought about seeing a counsellor or psychologist? I found cognitive behaviour therapy to be of great value in helping me to change my patterns of thought.

Karen has written some excellent posts about depression here. Maybe you'll find something useful. I hope you feel better soon!

Ray said...

An update.
I ended up going down to the local hospital and got checked out. The ECG revealed nothing unusual and all the other vitals were normal. The doctor did give me something for a bit of nausea and what appears to be reflux tablets to see if things calm down a bit.
He did suggest some lifestyle changes are in order and that is something I will have to look at.
Thanks for the link Lara I will check it out.
Craig, I'm not due back until the 12th which gives me a bit of time.