Monday, October 30, 2006

The whole Tooth II

I had a visit to the orthodontist today for some photos and moulds to be taken on my teeth. It's an interesting process and the jelly they use for the mould has a strange taste.
Anyway, it will be another two weeks before I go back for a `treatment plan'.
I have decided, though, in the light of the difficult circumstances created when I had that last tooth removed that I will slow the process a bit.
Basically I think that the disruption that the extraction caused was too big given how it affected the rest of me, which has a tenuous grip on health as it is. So I won't be rushing out to get the next one yanked out in the near future.

Just another update. I spoke to my mum this afternoon and she looks like being released from hospital tomorrow on a new set of medication. It still sounds a little worrying but the fact that they haven't said `you must have an angiogram now' is I guess a good thing.

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