Monday, October 23, 2006


After a couple of chats at church last night I started thinking about burnout as a possibility for explaining why I feel crummy a lot but not actually sick.
While there have been a couple of circumstances, such as tooth extractions, it seems to make more sense the more I think about it.
So I took an online test and, according to the results, I am a candidate for burnout (see below).

Here's your score:
Your score is = 47
Scores 0-25: Doing Fine.
Scores 26-35: Watch out you are at risk.
Scores 36-50: Candidate for Burnout.
Scores 51-65: You are Burning out.
Scores 65+: Burned out.

Now it's been six long months since my last break from work and during that time there have been periods of high workload and little rest. Then there has been the debacle with switching jobs that was most disappointing. Then when I tried to have holidays they got vetoed. Lots of built up frustration there.
I also find it tough to talk to some people, particularly my housemate whom I guess I expect to understand a bit more than others since I see him almost everyday. I guess I also, wrongly it seems, expect him to offer support. Instead mostly I get some kind of flippant response which may or may not be his way of being supportive. (It should be noted here than my expectation is usually higher than the reality when it comes to this particular thing.)
I don't find it fun on any level to be in this period of unrest where health is constantly either an issue or a concern. Only 4 or so weeks until that much needed break.


Craig Schwarze said...

Will pray for you mate. Anything you need, give us a call.

Rossy said...

I hope your holiday is taking you somewhere exciting, Raymo!?
Get yourself to a beach, have a dip, then grab a cold drink and relax!
We'll hold the fort at the bowlo.

Ray said...

I went to the doctor yesterday and he concluded that the virus is still hanging around and that if it hasn't improved by the weekend antibiotics may be thrown at it.
I can't rush into antibiotics because they can potentially worsen things.
Don't feel too bad at the moment, though just a little worn out.