Monday, October 09, 2006

Brace yourself

A trip to the orthodontist today revealed that it is recommended I get braces. While this is something usually occurring in your teens it came as no surprise.
I have some time to think about it but I'm pretty sure I'm going to go for it.
The way I look at it, in five years time the teeth will probably be beyond the point of no return and I'll wonder why I didn't do something when I had the chance.
So now that I have the chance I'd be mad not to take it and repair the number one thing I don't like about myself.
I'm told it will be about an 18 month process, thereabouts, so sooner is much better than later.


Craig Schwarze said...

Yeah, I'd go for it mate. 18 months is not a long time, really.

RodeoClown said...

My mum got braces when she was 35 - her teeth look a whole lot better for it now (a decade later).

They gave her 'invisible' braces, which I think they do for most adults, they are white/clear and you can't even see them unless you are talking right up close to someone.

Brant W. Fowler said...

Yeah, I agree you should go for it, and look into the clear ones if your self-conscious about it. I have some teeth problems of my own thanks to a calcium deficiency, and I'd definitely go for anything to fix them had I the opportunity. So go for it.

Ruth said...

I had braces for three and a half years through the last few years of highschool, and first 18mths of uni. I'm glad I had braces, although it did hurt playing the trumpet - but without them I would have a very odd collection of teeth (I am missing 8 second teeth - so would have huge gaps in my bite if it hadn't been for the braces pulling them all together)....

Go for it. What's to lose?

Ray said...

You're all right, nothing to lose there.
On Tuesday I am having a tooth removed - the one that was playing up about six weeks ago. The dentist decided if it was coming out soon anyway it might as well come out now so as to avoid a bit of unnecessary pain.