Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11

It's been a heavy week. First Steve Irwin, then Peter Brock, now we come to the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Five years, and the world has changed remarkably and not for the better. We are all too aware of the threat of terrorism that was sparked by the fall of the World Trade Center.
Like most people I watched in horror as the second plane crashed into the tower and then as both towers came crashing down. It was so surreal sometimes you wonder whether it really happened. Watching the footage I find myself in amazement, with my mouth open, and disbelief.
These things just don't happen. But unfortunately they are all to real.
It started to hit home when I saw United 93 at the movies last month. For a review see here .
I'm sure we won't ever forget this day.

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