Sunday, May 17, 2009

Speaking Louder Than Before

Somehow I missed the release late last year of Jeremy Camp's fifth album, Speaking Louder Than Before.
So after a random look at Jeremy Camp's website I headed out a few days ago to pick it up. At a time when, in my opinion, there is very little music that stands out this was an opportunity for one of my favourite artists to do just that.
As is my norm, this review is based on first listen (well, a listen and a half if I'm being really truthful).
Unfortunately, while this CD is good it doesn't stand out. And that's a big shame because his previous release, Beyond Measure, was excellent and only surpassed by the debut release Stay.
I read that Speaking Louder Than Before is aimed more or less at a youth audience and maybe that is why it hasn't really grabbed me, or maybe it will grow a bit.
But that isn't the trend with Jeremy Camp, he's usually instantly likeable. The title track and My Fortress appealed greatest to me, particularly My Fortress and the chorus lyrics show why.

You are my fortress, you are the refuge where I hide, you are the strength when I can't fight, you are the only one I rest my life in, you are the only hope I can find, you are my only peace of mind, you are the only one I rest my life in.

While this CD isn't the one I was hoping for it's passable and if you are a Camp fan then it's worth getting. As I said, this one might be a grower so there is hope. One thing I do hope, though, is that he does have another cracker in him sometime soon. My other fave Chris Tomlin really disappointed me with the Hello Love album, his latest, and that is concerning.
While they are both Christian artists I am quite critical when it comes to music, movies and television, and I've always held that just because a song is about God doesn't automatically make it a good one. You only have to go to any church to realise that.

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