Monday, May 11, 2009


Almost a year after it burned down the old house is starting to look like a house again.
It's supposed to be finished by July and that may happen, weather permitting, if the speed of the rebuilding I saw last week continues.
I spent almost a week up home and in that time the house went from just having the base to having its frame erected.
Overall I had quite a good time while I was away. Caught up with a few friends, both of whom are not far off having children (it's easier for one as he, obviously, doesn't have to carry the child).
For some reason I had some kind of hay fever or allergic reaction to something up there, which is weird because I never used to. But for the last few days I couldn't stop sneezing, well you know what I mean.
I also had to attend a funeral, which is never a good thing. I met a lot of family I hadn't seen in many years, most since I was a teenager at best. So you get the whole `I remember when you were `this big'' reactions.

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