Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Snap out of it

It should be simple.
Why can't I seem to get it out of my head that things are going to be bad when I go back to work tomorrow after a short break of 10 days?
This harks back to the somewhat misguided ultimatum I was handed last month and the feeling I have that it has put me on the outer. I may well be, and probably am, completely wrong here.
Perhaps it is the way I'm wired but I just have that doubt and it's affecting my overall mood.
Perhaps the best solution is to get it out in the open when I get back there so I know where things stand. The best solution could also be to just forget it but since that seems to be the more difficult option I may have no choice.
The problem is that, historically, common sense doesn't always prevail in the workplace where politics seems to be bubbling to the surface.
I just want to go to my job and enjoy it.
Is it that simple?

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