Sunday, January 11, 2009

A letter of disgust

I need to get this off my chest, I don't for a second think anyone related to commercial television networks will read it but I will feel better having said it.

Dear network TV,
I feel it is right for me to point out, as a consumer, that the treatment of viewers by all commercial networks in Australia is appalling. Any program that doesn't make a million viewers in its first two weeks seemingly gets dropped regardless of the following it may have. Nothing gets a chance to be built up. As a result I don't watch commercial programs other than the news and repeats of Friends and The Simpsons. My other viewing consists of the programs you hype, and some you ditched, by other means (i.e. imported DVDs, the internet). While this may not concern you I should point out that revenue for commercial television comes from advertising. I am not seeing the advertisements your clients are placing so their money is wasted, on me anyway. And I know I am not the only one who watches their favourite shows in this way. To channel nine, you guys wouldn't know a great show if it hit you in the face. Passing on Chuck was a bonehead idea, it's the most interesting, funny and entertaining show in years. Now Fox 8 gets a belated go. I'm just glad it was recommended to me, now I'm into season two and it is just getting better. So perhaps it might be an idea to treat your viewers with some respect and consideration. Instant success is very rare, real success must be built over time. So thanks to technology and globalisation I get to see what I want to see without being treated like someone who doesn't matter.

Now I do feel somewhat better. It's just good to have a rant now and then. In some way I envy the USA, as it is large enough to sustain the shows that we here get little access to. Great example is One Tree Hill, half way through season 6 in the States, didn't make it half way through season 1 here. Thank God for DVD.

1 comment:

Brant W. Fowler said...

Hey man, Australia isn't alone in this. Here in the US the same thing happens all the time. A show will be on for maybe 2-6 weeks tops before getting canceled. Usually it's 2-3. Monday nights after Heroes has been a plagued timeslot as three shows in the past year have been canceled in the slot. The sad thing is they were all good shows with followings! They didn't even try to move them to different nights. It ticks me off too.