Sunday, January 18, 2009

Edge of the seat stuff

Back when I was a teenager the cricket used to be exciting.
The main reason was that Australia was not the dominant team at the time, that title went to the West Indies, and any game we won had to be truly earned.
Over the past decade or so we have taken it for granted that the Aussies would win and they did most of the time. But in the last 12 months things have swung away from us.
I, for one, think this is actually a good thing.
Over the last few days we've had two matches against South Africa and the result was unpredictable and hung in the balance both times. Today we prevailed by six runs but it was a nail biter, real edge of the seat stuff. It was exciting and I think it is great for cricket.
I have to admit I lost a lot of interest in cricket because I don't get a kick out of easy wins where the other team just isn't competitive. So my interest turned to rugby league a few years back as it was becoming much more interesting to watch.
Footy season doesn't start for another six weeks or so and I will be watching the cricket, when I can, with some interest to see if it can maintain its new found holding power.

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