Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Waiting patiently

So after what happened at work yesterday it was quite appropriate that I learn a lesson.
On and off over the last few months or so I have been reading Joyce Meyer's Battlefield Of The Mind book and generally finding it interesting.
Last night before I went to bed I picked up the book and opened it where my bookmark was. It was chapter 20 called `Don't make me wait for anything, I deserve everything immediately'. Basically it is all about impatience.
A lot of the references come from James.
The bottom line is that despite the nature of the world with wanting its instant gratification, everyone has to wait. Meyer says we need to learn to wait happily and patiently and let God make things happen on his own timetable not our own.
That's not to say we shouldn't be active in pursuing things that we want but that we must keep in mind that not everything is going to fall into our laps immediately.
I have to say it was a timely chapter for me to read.
Despite my background, having grown up in a city in a rural area, I am now well and truly assimilated into the city lifestyle. Convenience is amazing, it doesn't matter what time it is you can get anything you want at any time, and that's partly responsible for why Sydney, and large cities for that matter, are like they are.
People rush, want everything straight away and lack patience and tolerance. I admit I fall into that trap much more than I should.
Now I am aware the challenge is now to try and change. I know change is hard because habits are by nature tough to break. By the way, things at work seem to not have been affected by my lack of tact. So that's a good thing.


Zombie said...

Dude patience sucks really bad. You pray for it and when you do, you can expect God to brings frustration to teach our patience, so it sucks to be impatient and it sucks to learn patience.

Aaron said...

Patience is key in our lives. If you are unable to wait for things you become someone that is difficult to deal with. Kindness, openness, and patience all go hand-in-hand.

ps. Thank you for the comment, I hope you'll continue reading my blog. I know yours interests me and I'll be checking back from time to time.
