Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fears and a finale

What is fear holding you back from?
Facing your fears is not a theme foreign to me so it was easy to relate to the season final of One Tree Hill.
It's a simple concept yet it is one of the hardest things to do, if you don't turn and face the monster it will continue to be scary.
I've been thinking about this for a few days and, appropriately, when I sat down to watch the One Tree finale I was struck by the apparent coincidence.
Of course I think things happen for a reason, I don't place a lot of emphasis on random events as a sourse of meaning. So when I watched this it was like God telling me it's time to start dealing with what I fear.
I'm not going to go into the details but it was put to me the other day that by turning and facing your fear you put it off guard. It ceases to hold as much power as it thinks and goes onto the back foot. The monster analogy - if you allow a monster to chase you it gains energy from you being scared (the creators of Monsters Inc were onto it) but if you stop and turn around and face it, the monster doesn't know what to do.
Am I digging too deep here? Again, I don't think it is a simple exercise to just all of a sudden get over what scares you. For some it may be.
I'd encourage you to consider what scares you and take steps to get on top of it.
Back to One Tree, and after the shock of Lucas telling Peyton that he hates her (an oh my God! moment from the previous episode) we find that he's gone on a bender and ends up with a mohawk. It's quickly removed by Haley.
Nathan faces his fear that he isn't good enough to overcome his injuries and play basketball, Jamie faces a fear of the swimming pool after almost drowning mid-season, Peyton throws water balloons as therapy, Brooke faces her fear of giving up Angie......
Dan vows to be a better person by not killing off a sick priest so he can be first in line for heart transplant (a nurse even hands him a pillow in one scene) then gets hit by a car, just as his beeper rings to alert him to the avilability of a heart. Then the finale, Brooke, Peyton and Lindsey all answer their phone....Lucas calls someone and says `I've got two tickets to Vegas, you want to get married tonight?' to one of them. Now the wait until September 1 begins.
Oh, I also thought it was great the episode opened with Jamie and Gavin DeGraw singing the theme song, which hasn't been utilised all season as they ditched the opening titles.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

I had not watched the last episode when you commented on mine...

BUT, I have not watched it and I hope he called Brooke!