Monday, May 12, 2008

Double agent

Ambition, particularly when it comes to work, is a tricky one isn't it?
In order to move up other people have to make way for you and when the workforce is small it is even more sensitive an issue.
I am not overtly ambitious by nature but, assuming I can keep myself together, do have goals for work and they have exploded out of me in recent weeks. This has led to frustration and snappyness. I think I did a pretty good job of keeping my mouth shut today when opportunities came up to take a pot shot, largely at the person I am looking to unseat.
Before I go on, I'm not saying I am ready to take over the responsibilites of people above me just yet, but when you are clearly capable sometimes other people's shortcomings are more obvious.
When you are supposed to be an expert at something you shouldn't be asking elementary questions of people below you. Right?
For example, how could I claim to be an expert chess commentator and not know who the world champion was and what they looked like, the latest rule changes and the up and coming players. I couldn't, there's just no way you could appear credible.
That's what gets to me sometimes. I have spent the time becoming an `expert' in my field and another is trying to use my knowledge and pass it off as their own. This is going to change but I am going to have to be more careful.
Kind of like being a double agent. I have to be pleasant and co-operative (to an extent) without giving away my trade secrets (an overstatement but it's not far from the truth) readily as I did last week.
It's going to be interesting. My frustration tolerance levels are pretty low at the best of times.

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