Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life on cloud eight

Another trip down memory lane from my university was in response to a Far Side cartoon called Life on Cloud Eight and it was something I could relate to when I wrote this in 1995.

I would have to say that the Far Side cartoon (Life On Cloud Eight) is an accurate summation of what life is like right now. Life is not bad, but there seems to be people out in the world who really know how to enjoy themselves.
It is possible that my interpretation of a `good time' is different to others'. I can say for sure that when my friends think I should be enjoying myself, most of the time I am not.
Skip Ross, an American motivational speaker, says `you have right now exactly what you want'.
Skip was right. I do have exactly what I want, so what's the problem?
I have narrowed down my possible solutions to two: either I am afraid of how I will act or what I would say if I let go; or I'm too concerned with what other people think and spend too much time dwelling on it.
Skip Ross also said `admit that you have a problem'. I have now done that, but I guess the next step is to admit it to the world. Happiness won't appear overnight but I'm confident that it will eventually and until then I will have to settle for life on cloud eight instead.

Looking back on what I wrote then, I can see a major flaw in my thinking. Largely due to a book I am currently reading I can see that by waiting to be happy I'm actually wasting my time. Happiness is a decision and will not come about when all the planets eventually align for you.
I still like that Far Side cartoon, though.

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