Friday, September 05, 2008

Harold And Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay

I don't know what I'm more disappointed in, myself for watching this or the fact that it was very ordinary right from the start.
Harold And Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay is the sequel to H&K Go To White Castle, which I must confess I thought was absolutely hilarious hence my interest in this follow up.
The first scene, and I won't go into the details, was enough for my hopes to be dashed as they well and truly crossed the crudeness line.
Now White Castle, which was essentially the story of two pot-heads who see an advertisement for a burger store on TV and get the munchies so they go in search of it, didn't cross that line.
Harold and Kumar are seemingly ordinary young adults with little responsibility and a recreational drug habit. In Escape, as the title suggests, they get thrown in jail for being suspected terrorists when their bong is mistaken for a bomb on a plane to Amsterdam.
Through chance they escape and go on the run.
Neil Patrick Harris has his cameo again as himself and is mildly amusing this time around. A mention to OTH's Danneel Harris who has a role here but I prefer her as Rachel in Tree Hill.
In short, a load of crap, I barely laughed at all, there's a difference between gross-out comedy and disgusting comedy and this is the example. A 3 out of 10.

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