Friday, October 19, 2007

Strange day

It was certainly an interesting day.
Silly arguments, resignation threats, over-reaction, drama - not your typical Friday.
I should know better by know but I just couldn't help but bite today and things spiralled in a scary direction from there. So far did things get out of hand I at one point threatened to leave my job on impulse as I was frustrated with the way events unfolded today. Not for one second did I give thought to what I would do had I gone through with it.
In short I learned a lesson and was given some advice that could be very timely. I tend to get concerned about things that are out of my control at work whereas I should be concentrating on my work and letting other people worry about themselves.
Maybe it was just the end of a big week and people were a bit out of sorts. TGIF, hey.
Let's hope we're (especially me) all over it by Monday.

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