Saturday, June 16, 2007

The challenge

It's called many different things.
During the week I was told by the doctor that I was again in remission. I knew that already but it's great to have it official as it were. Remission is a strange description but one that many people will be familiar with. To me the more accurate description is dormant.
The big challenge for me now is to keep it that way for as long as possible. Last time it was about 18 months but I spent much of that trying to pretend there was nothing to accommodate.
This time around I'd like to think that I am much better equipped.
I have to recognise that there are limits but that they don't need to be as strict as I have been keeping them.
I have to be sensible about things like diet, exercise, rest and relaxation and incorporate them as effectively as possible.
I have to draw the line with work and make sure I don't overdo it. This is a tough one because I really enjoy my work but that was my downfall last time.
I have to learn not to freak out so much. Again this is not easy because I think that the unconscious mind is a lot more powerful than we give it credit for.
What's great for me is to be returning to work after a break that was by choice and not dictated by meltdowns or illness. It's also great to have been feeling pretty good most of the time.
As I said, all this is the big challenge. By mastering it life should be a lot easier than it has been.
At least that's how it should be in theory.

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