Thursday, March 22, 2007


Today's the day, but I wish I had better news to report.
Had a bit of a setback and am not feeling brilliant. Not too bad, and certainly not anywhere near a few months ago, but the timing is disappointing.
I actually made it to work but went home after about an hour. The doctor is saying a cold or a virus is most likely and to rest, fluids, panadol etc.
The shame is I had a bit planned for tonight but I have had to can those plans.
My thinking is that I have pushed too much too soon and have not paid enough attention to caring for myself. I have tomorrow off and the weekend so hopefully I can bounce back.
Last night the bible study group played putt putt golf. Good fun. It was going to be bowling but there were no lanes available.
Hopefully day two of being 32 is better...


Brant W. Fowler said...

Well Happy b-day, man, though I'm sorry to hear about the setback.

I do think it's kind of cool that even though your b-day is the day after mine by calendar it's on the same technical day, or I guess rather at the same time due to the time difference, or something like that. :) Hang in there, man.

Ray said...

Thanks Brant, I had a good birthday despite being a bit under the weather. I think it's cool we're basically on the same day mate.