Sunday, December 23, 2007

No Festivus miracles

I think that's a good thing. As a general rule festivus miracles tend to be rather unfortunate or uncomfortable and involved chance situations that you'd rather not have to endure.
So, in honur of Festivus 2007 I announce my grievances....
1. The politicians who kept sending the same propaganda to me on a daily basis in the last couple of weeks of the election. They know who they are.
2. The guy responsible for taking EI out of the quarantine centre and destroying the spring carnival.
3. Kylie Minogue for releasing a mediocre album as her comeback from cancer. C'mon the electronica stuff didn't really work for Madonna a few years ago, why will it work now?
4. Channel 7 for now showing the last 2 episodes of the current season of Heroes (thank God for the internet or I'd have to wait until February to see them).
5. Yet again Channel 10 for not showing One Tree Hill and to whoever is responsible for releasing it on DVD and making us wait until goodness known when (again thanks to importing things on your own we don't have to wait so long).
6. Magpies
7. The canteen ladies at work who refuse to carry out the simple instructions you give on how you'd like your toast spread.

That's all I can think of right now. Happy Festivus everyone!

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