Friday, July 27, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

Not really sure where to start with The Simpsons Movie because there's so much to say.
Being a massive fan of The Simpsons since I was about 14, I'm always going to be heavily biased (unless it really sucked but it didn't) so keep that in mind.
Basically the film plays like a really, really, really, really good 90 minute episode of the TV show. It takes a few more risks (like a nude scene) than the small screen allows but in a nutshell just think about the best episodes of the show you've seen and that's what you're going to get.
Homer manages to sink to new lows of stupidity here and isn't it a delight to watch. Pure magic. Like how he comes across the pig.
At Krusty Burger, Krusty is filming an ad for his new burger and uses a pig with a baker's cap as a prop until he is done when he tells the crew to kill the pig. Homer decides you can't kill anything that wears human clothes and takes him in, starting a beautiful, but dizzyingly weird, relationship. I've already mentioned the Spider-pig scene a few posts back. A top moment, and the pig is also involved in a few other very funny scenes.
The plot revolves around Homer having to save Springfield from a destruction that he (and the pig) caused. It works pretty well.
If you pay attention there are some very clever bits, like Ralph right at the start and one involving Martin towards the end. I also liked a Homer line early on when in church and holding a bible during a crisis: `there's no answers in here!'
I was always guaranteed to like this, it is classic Simpsons and you get 90 minutes of it. Stay through the credits too for a few more laughs. My only criticism is that they didn't resolve what happened to the pig.
The hype surrounding the movie probably hasn't helped, as my expectation (as you would expect) was sky high. I'm not going to say it didn't live up to it but the bar was a very high one. A 9 out of 10 and a great piece of entertainment, though slightly surreal being on the big screen.

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