Monday, August 31, 2009


Have you noticed how fast things happen these days?
It's the end of August and we're looking at spring now and pretty soon we'll be talking Christmas plans and New Years celebrations. The Noughties are finished, what do we call the 2010s?
I say all this because I've realised how a lot of the time I want things to happen fast.
I want to get to work quickly (and leave work quickly), I eat quickly (at times to my detriment but I should expect that), I walk quickly, I don't have long showers. You get the point.
Everything doesn't need to happen so fast but somehow I get caught up in it. Maybe it is a Sydney thing, or at least a big city thing.
Happily I have holidays coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to the break. I enjoy getting out of the rat race if I can and I'm also looking forward to a few days in Melbourne coming up.
Having been there a couple of times this year I now know a few people so that will make the trip this time a bit more fun (and I have had a pretty darn good time in those two trips).
Needless to say I should try to slow down.
Really, there's no need to rush. Ferris Bueller had it right - 'life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop once in a while and look around you could miss it' (or something like that).

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