Friday, April 10, 2009


Earlier this week I was flicking channels and came across the movie
Philadelphia and decided to have a watch.
It's amazing that this film made in 1993 can still have the same impact.
Of course, Tom Hanks plays a lawyer fired because he has AIDS and Denzel Washington is the young lawyer hired to take on his case.
I am a sucker for drama. I love watching interesting, emotional, real, stories with excellent acting performances and this is right up there.
Hanks very much deserved an Oscar for his role.
For me Philadelphia is one of those movies that you can't help but get emotionally tied up in and I admit the eyes got a bit watery towards the end.
It's the soundtrack that really brings it out, I reckon. The music is so poignant.
Back in 1993 when this came out the world was a very different place and someone with AIDS was looked upon as a dirty, usually gay, person who deserved it.
Thankfully we have moved on a bit from there, though that doesn't make right what a lot of innocent people would have had to endure. I thought this came across well in the film.
If you haven't watched it in a while it's worth a look. Certainly made me think.

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