Friday, March 13, 2009


One thing I can say about Watchmen is that I haven't seen a `superhero' film like it.
A former superhero called The Comedian is murdered and a mysterious `Watchman' called Rorschach investigates with the theory that someone is offing the superheroes, who have been forced to assimilate by the Government.
We meet what's left of the Watchmen: Night Owl, Silk Spectre, Dr Manhattan, Ozymandias and they are all at different stages of coping with life without their superhero status.
This I think is the most interesting facet of the film. Night Owl particularly is having trouble with his alter ego and he comes across quite like a Clark Kent but not intentionally bumbling. It's almost like the normal human life is weighing him down.
I'm not going to go on about the plot because it is quite complicated (for someone not familiar with the graphic novel).
I couldn't help but think after the film the similarities the characters had with Batman characters, kind of like they were an alternative 1980s rip off. Humour me.
Night Owl is obviously a nod to Batman, even in some of his mannerisms, Silk Spectre is a bit like Catwoman without a mask, Dr Manhattan has a Mr Freeze look and demeanour about him, Rorschach is very much the Scarecrow and well The Comedian/The Joker?
Watchmen is very graphic, quite funny in parts and I thought quite interesting. Not your average superhero film, worth a look but there are some really graphic moments including some sex scenes and Dr Manhattan's member is fairly prominent throughout the movie.
A 7.5 out of 10.

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