Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friendship breaks

I met up with a friend tonight for the first time in over a year.
It was fairly easy and it was good to hear the goings on of his life in that time. We used to attend the same church and have both moved on since then, for not completely dissimilar reasons but different situations.
So we had a good chat, and it was kind of like nothing had changed even though there has been a break in the friendship, for want of a better description.
Whether this means we'll hang out a bit more now remains to be seen.
It is interesting how people disappear and resurface. It reminds me of a quote from the movie Threesome from the 90s. Different situation obviously but I think the sentiment is easy to relate to.
`I wondered how someone can be a necessary part of one's life one day then vanish the next. Isn't it supposed to last?'

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