Thursday, October 16, 2008

It can happen to anyone

Something that has become clear to me recently is that no-one is immune from tough times and how they can unexpectedtly get on top of you.
I'm not talking about me here, but a long time friend of mine has been having a battle with depression that, initially, surprised me. Then I heard more about what has been going on in his life. The more I thought about it the more I realised that it can happen to anyone.
Just because you appear to have it all - vitality, family, children, health, strength - doesn't mean you can't be weakened and the things you took for granted can't slip away.
It hasn't come quite that far yet but just talking to him you can hear struggling in his voice. It's really unsettling. It's unsettling because this is a guy who I would never have thought would be beaten up by troubles like this.
I'll say it again. It can happen to anyone. If it is happening to someone you know then make sure they know you care. Tell them not to give in to it. It's not an easy thing to fight but it can be beaten.

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