Monday, October 06, 2008

Eagle Eye

Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) is an average guy, he swindles money off his work mates playing poker during breaks and he works in a photocopy centre.
That all changes when he returns home from his twin brother's funeral to discover a massive payload of weapons in his apartment. A voice on his phone tells him to run as the FBI were on their way.
Jerry is completely innocent but is captured and interrogated.
Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monaghan) is enjoying a night out with the girls after dropping her son off for a school trip to Washington. She too receives a call and is `activated'. Unwittingly and unwillingly Jerry and Rachel are manipulated into following the orders of the voice on the phone.
Eagle Eye in some respects can scare us with the use off readily available technology to trap and track individuals and force them to carry out someone's will.
As plausible as it seems the film does fall short of being more than your average technological thriller. At times it can be pedestrian. And it is very disappointing when you work out what's going on.
Having said that Shia LaBeouf continues to be extremely likable and that helps a lot. Same goes with Michelle Monaghan. While they don't have an awful lot to work with their performances go some way to making up for the flaws and the cliches that bog Eagle Eye down.
I was expecting something a little less predictable and already tried. On that score I was let down. However, thanks to the leads it is enjoyable enough.
A 7 out of 10.

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