Thursday, April 03, 2008

Inside information

Some people see introversion as a great thing, or a defining thing about them. Sometimes I think there is an extrovert inside trying to force its way out.
The struggle between wanting to be one way and accepting that you are who you are is an interesting one. I look at other people and wonder how they became how they are. Is it just nature?
I don't have this desire to all of a sudden become this completely out there person but I often wonder if I could be. I like my own space from time to time, I enjoy curling up on the couch with a movie or box set of One Tree Hill or one of my other guilty TV pleasures.
I see life very much as a contact sport.
Now I don't mean we should be causing harm to people or grabbing their `wheels' as some have done in rugby league this week. People were created for relationship with each other and the human touch has such a powerful effect.
Everyone needs their own personal space, definitely, but in a big city like this one we have lost sight of the fact that there is great comfort and energy to be drawn from the simple touch, and not just in the secular world. A handshake, a hug, a pat on the back, a friendly embrace. It's all good.
The guy who planted himself in Martin Place and started the Free Hugs campaign was on the right track. It's something so simple and he made it all the way to Oprah.
I reckon tomorrow everyone should make an effort to do one `good deed' or make a simple gesture to make someone else feel good.

1 comment:

Brad said...

The world needs more posts, and thinkers like this! Great post! :)