Thursday, April 17, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Inappropriate is one word that comes to mind when describing the new comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall but another word is amusing.
Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell), a big name TV star, announces to a very shocked and very naked Peter (Jason Segel) that she's breaking up with him.
After quite a hilarious and prolonged period of uncontrollable crying Peter is convinced to take a holiday to Hawaii to get away from memories of Sarah. The trouble is Sarah is at the same resort and in the suite next door with her new boyfriend, the obnoxious (but in his way quite funny) English pop star Aldous Snow (Russell Brand).
You can pretty much guess where it is headed when Peter befriends the hotel hostess Rachel (Mila Kunis). Throw in a religious newlywed couple having trouble `bonding', an obsessive waiter with a weird crush on Aldous (semingly), a rock opera about Dracula and a perennially high surf instructor Chuck (Paul Rudd) and this is quite a light hearted ride.
I think here are certainly much better, and funnier, films from this genre out there - Good Luck Chuck and Knocked Up come to mind - but it is pretty entertaining, if overly crude.
I had a good laugh and there were some scenes that were very, very funny and you can't ask for too much more than that in the well trodden sort of romantic comedy genre.
I just don't know how Segel allowed himself to be involved in three nude scenes in the one film. A 6.5 out of 10.

1 comment:

Brant W. Fowler said...

Well, i like Segel from How I Met Your Mother, and Kunis from That 70s Show, and Bell from Heroes (never watched VM), and I like Paul Rudd, so I'll definitely check this out. I expect it to be crude, but hopefully I find it funny. I didn't dig Good Luck, Chuck, so hopefully this one's better.