Saturday, January 06, 2007

Mixed bag

Last night I decided to watch a couple of films on DVD and the two I chose couldn't have been any different, one I had seen and was keen to see again and another that had been recommended.
After watching 2:37 again (you will note it was my number four movie of 2006) I have decided that I won't be buying it, even though I still think it is an amazing, shocking, gripping and important movie. In the end, it's just too much of an emotional ride and I have to draw a line somewhere. I don't for a second regret seeing it but after a second watch I don't see how watching such a film multiple times is good for me.
The second film was 16 Blocks, starring Bruce Willis. This film made my movie buff friend Rod's top five of the past year and, I gotta say: `what were you thinking!?!'
Featuring a disinterested and dishevelled Willis and easily the most annoying character I've seen since Urkel, played by Mos Def. You could see where it was going and it was simply an ordinary film.

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