Sunday, April 11, 2010


This wickedly ridiculous but hugely entertaining film has certainly caused some controversy. Should pre-teen girls be encouraged to become foul mouthed, knife-weilding/gun toting vigilante super heroes?
Certainly not.
But in sending up the super hero genre Kick-Ass has raised that debate.
Anyway, geeky teen Dave Lizewski decides he should be the world's next superhero and dons a remarkably superhero like scuba suit and becomes Kick-Ass following an attack by a couple of thugs.
With no obvious super hero, other than nerve loss due to the beating and a heap of Wolverine-like steel plates and invisibility to girls, Dave takes on the task of cleaning up the streets.
Soon we meet Hit-Girl (Chloe Moretz) and her father Big Daddy (Nicholas Cage channeling as much Batman as he can), who are much more experienced at being super heroes than Dave due to Big Daddy's desire for vengeance towards the man who put him in jail.
As I've said this action-comedy is ridiculous but I think it means to be.
It's so over the top. There's the teenage angst and masturbation jokes, the comic book super hero spoofs and adages - 'with no power comes no responsibility' - and I reckon Dave's house looks a lot like Aunt Mae's from Spider-Man.
The conclusion with the super hero Red Mist (Chris Mintz-Plasse) is similarly ridiculous and leads us to the disturbing thought that they are thinking sequel.
I certainly hope not. This wouldn't be as funny the second time around.
Other than that thought, Kick-Ass is high on entertainment but also high on profanity. It gets pretty silly but Dave is a pretty good wannabe superhero and that helps.
An ass kicking 8 out of 10.

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