Friday, April 30, 2010

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 suffers somewhat from sequelitis but it is an enjoyable follow up to the surprise comic book adaptation of a couple of years ago.
I liken it a bit to Transformers 2 - good, some great action sequences, but not as slick and tight. There's a definite lull in the middle of Iron Man 2 that does make you tap your fingers waiting for them to get on with it.
We pick up the story in Russia where Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke) vows to avenge his father's fate of banishment from the free world at the hands of Tony Stark's father. Vanko senior played a big role in developing the technology that has seen Stark create the Iron Man suit and Ivan gets to work on some electrics of his own.
We're also introduced to Natalie Rushman (the stunning in red hair Scarlett Johansson) who is selected by Stark to be his new assistant with the promotion of Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) to CEO of the company.
Robert Downey Jr is certainly revelling in playing such a narcissist and I think this is where things go awry in the middle.
The first half an hour is mind blowing. One of the great entrances of a villain belongs to Rourke's Vanko (also known as Whiplash). The last half an hour is similarly excellent.
So sit tight in the middle as we have to put up with the annoying Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell nails being a major tool here) trying to manipulate Vanko for his own gain. Idiot!
Rushman's connection with Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) is revealed also and the Avengers team is starting to come together.
(Just on the Avengers link, there's a scene at the end of the film, after the credits, giving us direction on where this is heading - next stop Thor.)
Iron Man 2 is enjoyable, great action sequences, some very good one liners and, did I mention Scarlett Johanssen kicking butt. There's also an almost unrecognisable Garry Shandling in there for good measure.
A 7.5 out of 10, but could have been better.

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