Monday, April 26, 2010

Anatomy of a good handshake

If there's one thing I appreciate it's a good solid handshake.
That may seem a strange thing to appreciate, but a person's handshake can tell you so much about them.
A few people I know have amazing handshakes.
They convey a lot of unspoken things.
There's a guy I know called Murray.
The first time I met him I was taken aback by his handshake because it was so different. It was firm, but not hand-breaking, and it gave me a very positive feeling. I actually mentioned to him how I appreciated his handshake and he said having a good handshake was something he was taught as a younger person.
Now, that was more than a year ago so my comments come from hindsight as I now know a bit more about him.
With the carnival being on for the last few weeks I've seen him every week and when I was leaving on Saturday we got into a conversation about a few things, football, plans for the rest of the weekend, etc.
After a rather ordinary first attempt at a farewell handshake we got it right, and I actually commented to him that I'd miss our weekly handshakes!
I don't know what it is but if I get a handshake that feels forced or doesn't encompass the hand properly it makes me wonder. I do get a few that make me wonder from time to time.
So I'd say next time someone shakes your hand have a think about what it is telling you, you might discover something you didn't realise before.

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