Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Realising the truth

There's a truth in my world that I have kind of ignored because I don't want to believe it.
I'm so blinded by an ideal surrounding one of my friends.
The fact has come to a head for me this week after some discussions with other friend-type people.
What I have realised, yet again, is that I'm held in nowhere near as high regard by my friend than I thought and hoped. When you find out things about people you thought you were close to third hand and long after a significant thing happened it makes you (well in this case me) wonder how good a friend you are seen as.
I've got to say that coming to this conclusion really hurts. I'd love to say I hope I am wrong but I really don't think I am.
Perhaps this is all a bit 10th grade but I don't know what to do about it.
Do I just accept it and try to move past it? That seems the obvious but hard option.
Is it something worth raising? Again it's a bit high school-ish.
Am I reading into things too much? Possibly, but there's pretty compelling evidence.
I guess it is a little like in any relationship (at least it works as an analogy), what do you do when you realise the other person doesn't like you as much as you like them, even if you are mates?

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