Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The weight

I had an incident involving the bathroom scales this evening that has prompted me to act on something that has been on my mind for a little while.
Yep, I need to lose a few kilos.
Now this isn't normally a big issue for anyone (male at least) except for my small issue with weight loss and what it can mean for someone in my situation. It's entirely a head thing I know and it is a problem I have to get over.
So what I am proposing to do is to simply get back into the habit of taking a daily, or at least five times a week, walk. Just to get moving more. Somehow I stopped doing it and I'm not sure exactly why. It's something I generally enjoy and, really, my discman doesn't get out as much as it should!
The main reason I want to lose a bit is I just feel a little uncomfortable and while `packing it on' in winter tends to be acceptable to me it doesn't sit as well in practice as it does in theory.
So no major diets, my food intake is quite healthy with a few little exceptions, but just more exercise. Let's see how we go....

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