Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mark Priestley

It's been a few days since the apparent suicide of actor Mark Priestley and I have to admit it has been on my mind now and then.
I can't work out why he would have done it.
On the surface he had so much going for him - he was good looking, talented, on a successful TV show, he had a bright future - so, why?
It has developed that he suffered quite badly from depression. My question is how much help did he seek, what could lead him to think there was no hope?
I don't know the degree of what he was going through, though seemingly he was able to function enough to perform his job on All Saints. I guess you never can really know.
A couple of years ago I had my own battle with depression. It saps your energy, focuses your mind on yourself, drains you of the enjoyment of things, everything is really hard work.
When I think back on that time I wonder how I got through. Things got fairly dark at times for sure. Perhaps for Mark he was in the middle of one of those times and made a snap decision. That's just pure speculation of course but makes some sense to me.
I know it is easy to say here, but you should never lose hope. And thankfully for me, and everyone out there should they choose, God offers hope.
Anti-depressants are effective but they can also mess with you. I can say, as I am currently beginning a staggered reduction in mine, that while they take the edge off they have a very bad side effect that can be frustrating.
Simply, you can't release any emotion. You can laugh, but a lot of the time you can't cry. It's hard to release the things that are eating away at you. I really don't like that side of it and it is part of the reason why I am attempting to come off them (albeit slowly). The other part is because I am feeling great and don't really need them.
I think the best thing to do when a dark patch hits is to sleep on it.
I believe that nothing is as bad in the morning as it seemed.


Alison said...

Hey Ray, I was saddened as well to hear of his suicide. I've read that blokes with depression will often hold themselves together for work, but that uses up all their energy and the rest of their life is a mess. So they can look ok but really they're not coping.

Bron Wilton said...

Hey, I didn't realise what you have been through. I guess each person deals with depression differently. I have spent most of my life crying so being on anti-depressants stops me from crying. It is the good for me.
I don't know who Mark Priestly was but I know that when times are really dark, anything is possible.