Sunday, August 03, 2008

The view from here

If I am being literal it is a brown curtain, just to get that out of the way.
When I look in the mirror sometimes I catch my eyes and I wonder what they tell other people.
You know, `the eyes are the window to the soul' so what do others see in my eyes?
It makes me think about things that I hide. Fears, emotions, thoughts that shouldn't be there, hopes, dreams.
Most people know what I fear above everything else but is it better to keep things to yourself or to get them out in the open?
It is easier to just say nothing personal and I know several people who do that and seem to be able to get by. Usually if I let things build up without letting them out I run into trouble. Physical trouble aside I tend to get very snappy and usually say something insensitive and/or stupid.
I've been asked a few times lately what is happening on the girl front. Thankfully it isn't just the married friends who are doing it.
My standard answer is nothing or that it is not a priority but the truth is I'm not sure I could handle such a relationship. I know how that sounds.
On the other hand it could be the best thing that has happened to me. I won't know until I give it a try.
Then there are the times that I wonder what I have to offer. Not material things, not even physical things though I am hardly an athlete. Maybe I don't like myself enough?
So I don't often look myself in the eyes. Maybe I should do that more until I work out who is looking back at me.

1 comment:

Too Much Time on My Hands said...

I think you stumbled upon my blog once maybe a few months ago now, and left a comment on an entry about Carpe Diem... so I thought I'd return the favor and show that your random outreach and inquery didn't go unnoticed.

In fact, I meant to get back to you long ago.

But I'm not going to reply to what I think is a retorical question anywho (the one you raised in my blog) and instead just ask a few of my own.

Knowing nothing about your life, standing, age, social situation, location, history... I'm more curious to find out what comes of these musings that you have? The question of "what are my eyes telling others that they might not be telling me" intrigues me, because it brings to question the idea of "knowing thyself". I'm under the impression that nobody fully knows themselves, or knows the correct or best way to live, but I'm going to guess you're a religious person as you've quoted scripture in your about me.

I mention religion because I find religion to be a excitingly interesting topic. Check out my latest post for a little on that, but in terms of a response to your post... I mention religion because I think some of your answers, or at least the balm to soothe your concerns, lie within the moral and reflective teachings of most world religions. Christianity, I assume? So, "Little Christ"? How do you live your life as he did? Deep integrity is key.

Okay, I'm done for now. hopefully i didn't pry too much, or anything of the sort. But regardless, i'm just another strand from the interweb brushing across your face, which you can easily swipe away with a flick of the hand... or you can follow that strand back to the spider. Your call :-)
