Sunday, January 20, 2008

A single cloud hanging

As far as permanency goes, I am for all purposes churchless at the moment.
I like it.
I am enjoying the freedom that comes from having no fixed abode. I have been going to church from time to time. Again I enjoy seeing what else is out there.
This is not to say that what had before wasn't significant. Six years is a long time but it was becoming clear, quite a while ago, that it was long enough.
I'm not going devote any time now to deep explanation as to why I have made the decision to move on. It wasn't quite `simply time' but that will do for now.
One problem I do have is that I am a loyal person so that makes it difficult to part ways with something that has been a large part of life. I have to say that I grew immensely, spiritually, from the six years.
Funnily enough my first experience there came on the September 11. Talk about red letter days, so it makes it easy to remember the first night.
However, my time there also coincided with some of the most difficult times in my life so far, not just the obvious one. Such is my nature, throughout the last six months or so I have done a few experiments to help me make this decision. Since every one of them failed it was a pretty easy call.
I have only one regret that is clear in my mind from the whole period and it relates to something that happened about a year ago that taught me a valuable lesson and cost me potentially a very good friendship. Well almost, as I haven't given up on it.
Church is a very important part of life, particularly for a Christian, but what is also important is the right one. Consider that the single cloud hanging over me at the moment.
That search has been going for a short time, and over the past six months or s I have been fortunate to meet and get to know some great people as a result, but it hasn't been serious yet, I haven't felt ready to try one out properly. That will come as the burnout wears off.


Brant W. Fowler said...

I feel you, man, believe me. I was at my church for 20 years! And I am also a very loyal person, but when something's not right for you it is time to move on.

Best of luck with your search.

Ray said...

Thanks mate, good to hear from you too!