Sunday, January 13, 2008

I Am Legend

What would we do without Will Smith to save the world yet again?
This time, though, the result is not satisfying in I Am Legend.
The scene of New York deserted and decaying is unsettling, the animals that now roam the streets that have been overgrown with bushland prey on each other and the one man left trys to prey on them.
This is all well and good until we find out the creatures that come out at night are the remaining people who weren't killed off by the virus that took 90 per cent of the world's population.
Smith is one of the 1 per cent who were mysteriously immune and being hunted by the other nine per cent who mutated, for want of a better word, as a result of the virus.
Robert Neville (Smith) is desperately trying to cure the virus but he's also losing hope as a result of being the only person around. He even tries using mannequins as `friends' in a few slightly amusing yet saddening scenes.
The problem with I Am Legend, which is yet another Hollywood remake, is that it's a pretty ordinary film. There is little to no suspense, I didn't find it scary (not sure whether it was supposed to be scary either) and you weren't given enough insight into Smith's character. What we do know was told in flashbacks (which is getting very tired) and they spent very little time going into Neville's unravelling after his companion dog Sam succumbs to the virus.
Technically the film is quite good but it lacks substance. Maybe I had higher expectations than I should have but I can only go as high as a 5 out of 10. Pretty disappointing and makes Independence Day look like a masterpiece.

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