Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tron: Legacy

It's the second last day of 2010 but we've certainly got a contender for surprise of the year in Tron: Legacy .
The focus is on Sam Flynn (a stunning Garrett Hedlund), the son of Kevin Flynn who when Sam was a kid was one of the world's foremost video game innovators.
Flynn (Jeff Bridges) disappeared, assumed dead, and Sam was left to grow up without a father and left wondering what happened. He also inherited his father's company and enjoys playing pranks on the board of directors at unfortunate times.
He is encouraged by his father's friend to check out a message coming from Flynn's Arcade and finds himself transported into the world known as The Grid.
When he is reunited with his father not everything is as it seems and The Grid seems in the midst of anarchy.
Father and son, along with a mysterious 'miracle' being Quorra (Olivia Wilde) set out to restore order to the grid and return to our world.
It's a visually stunning film, one that rarely lets up and continues to raise the bar. Significantly, the effects don't overpower the movie. While some of the dialogue is a bit on the 'what the..' side, it's not so corny that you lose interest.
While there are some well known names in the cast, including Jeff Bridges, Michael Sheen (who was outrageous as the deceptive Zuse and a cameo from Cillian Murphy, the star of the movie is Garrett Hedlund. I must admit I wondered who he was, I have seen Friday Night Lights but he didn't stand out there, but he definitely carried Tron well and really commanded my attention.
That's a great sign from the lead actor/character.
As I said, this is a very surprising movie. While I don't think 3D really brought it jumping off the screen it did add a bit to the race/fight scenes on The Grid.
An enjoyable cinema experience with characters that are engaging and effects that are dazzling. A solid and surprising 8 out of 10.

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