Sunday, February 28, 2010

The week that was

Where to start....
My first week back at work after holidays went pretty well, aided in part by starting the week on a Tuesday, and it was good to be back.
It was a pretty standard first couple of days then things got interesting (outside of work that is).
On Thursday evening I ventured up to Akuna Bay in Sydney's north for a boat ride.
Now I had been hesitant at times about heading out on the water, for reasons I don't need to go into, but it was an awesome time. While I didn't venture into the water it was just great cruising around and doing something that is out of the normal routine.
After a couple of hours we had to stop play because of bad light and headed in for a barbecue. One thing that was lacking was lighting but we made do. After a while we had a few visitors, some very cute possums came to check out what we were up to. If it weren't for the sharp claws I'd have wanted to grab one and pat him.
Anway, Friday arrived and I was invited to a special luncheon at Luna Park (pictured). A number of well known sporting stars were there and it's nice to see them in a different light.
Cricketer Stuart Clark was most impressive, his affable personality is something we don't see so much when the cameras are rolling.
There were plenty of stories told and I'll leave it at that - what happens at Luna Park stays at Luna Park!
Saturday I went to the races and today I enjoyed the day hanging out with a friend near the city.
We watched a movie, had some interesting and at times animated discussion and were rained on while walking back from the cinema. This friend has fast become a very good mate, and I feel fortunate to have met them.
So it's been a top week, and with a trip to Melbourne on the horizon for later this week there's plenty to look forward to.

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