Saturday, February 27, 2010


With a lacklustre cricket season out of the way I have to say I am looking forward to the start of the footy competitions.
While I follow rugby league more than AFL I do enjoy seeing how Victorians really love their game. Next weekend I'm heading to Melbourne (for the races) but the AFL's pre-season competition will be nearing its end and I remember last year being amazed at seeing the semi-finals of a pre-season comp airing on prime time TV.
That's how much they love it.
I think that the people who run cricket really ought to look at rugby league, and AFL to a lesser extent, and see that people enjoy a competition. Sure, some people go to or watch the cricket because they love it but, really, nobody enjoys a one sided game and that's what we have had this summer aside from one test match that Pakistan somehow managed to lose when they had it in the bag.
So, bring on the footy!

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