Monday, May 29, 2006

My obsessions

If you've ever tried to call me between 7.30pm and 8pm on Mondays between 1996 and 2004 you'll know what I'm talking about.
Is it wrong that I can quote quickfire Simpsons but not the Bible? (probably but that's a rhetorical question)
These two global phenomena have taken over my world at various times. I'll never forget one Monday night, about 7.40pm, when a certain now former church member, with initials S.H. called me and in mid-sentence realised what time it was and that I would be out of commission for a while. Yes, so the world stopped when Friends came on and it was sad, but not shattering, when it ended. But thanks to DVD I have every episode and can watch them whenever I want. (Coming soon - my all time top 5 Friends episodes)
Have you ever had a conversation with me that hasn't related back to the Simpsons at some point? Or more to the point Homer Simpson and something goofy and hilarious he has done? Does it bother anyone though that Bart should be 27 by now?
(Also coming soon - the all time top 5 Simpsons episodes and quotes).

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