Friday, May 20, 2011

Power of fear

It's become a pattern over the years and it has really just only occurred to me.
Fear has been the ruling power in my life for the most part and stopped me from doing all sorts of things. Some of those things I may have regretted, sure, but I've reached the point where I almost regret not taking the leap.
Even back in high school I was afraid of one thing or another - whether it was the kid trying to get me into fights I didn't want to be in or things as semi-serious as relationships. I remember backing out of the date I'd asked to the high school formal because I just wanted to go 'as friends'.
The solution isn't completely clear but going out and doing things I will certainly regret definitely isn't the answer.
I know that I can't continue to be ruled by this general fear - is it a fear of living or a fear of failure or rejection? I don't know exactly.

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