Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lights, camera, imagination!

I'm annoyed at the lack of imagination shown by film makers these days.
In reading through the latest Empire magazine I noted rumoured or confirmed reports that there could be a remake of Jaws, Fast and the Furious 5 (I do own all four so far but, come on), a Bourne prequel, Avatar 2, Mission Impossible 4. I could go on.
Seriously, where is the originality?
Now I know the reason we are getting so many sequels and remakes. It's because they are almost guaranteed to make money. And that is really all that matters to the studios.
But how many inane comedies, alleged romantic comedies and send-ups can we stand? How many more times must we watch the same predictable films?
Thankfully, if you look hard enough, there are some gems out there with an actual story to tell.
Over the last few years my top films each year have been the likes of Lars And The Real Girl, Reign Over Me, Brokeback Mountain, Into The Wild and Up In The Air is the front runner in 2010.
Personally, I'd rather be challenged by a well acted drama or laugh along with a deftly scripted comedy than all the trash we're getting.
Sure, I'll eat up the Hollywood blockbusters and I'm into the Twilight series (I'll be there when Eclipse opens in a few months). I am aware of some hypocrisy on my part but at least I'm aware of it. That doesn't mean I can't decry it.
Over the coming weeks I'd like to see movies such as Brothers, A Single Man and The Blind Side and hopefully I will get around to it.

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