Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I can't believe I'm saying this but Elephant, the Gus Van Sant film of 2003 that the recent Australian movie 2:37 had been compared to, wasn't particularly brilliant.
After being disturbed, moved and captivated by 2:37 I fully expected similar from its older brother (sort of) and it wasn't nearly as interesting.
The styles were similar. They both concentrate on a group of high school students through a seemingly typical day by using the camera as something of a shadow, following their every move.
In Elephant the performances were unremarkable on the whole, with the probable exception of the main `bad guy' though he isn't really revealed until three-quarters of the way through. (For those who haven't seen it I won't give anything away).
Also I found little motivation being explained for why some of the characters were as they were. For example, the character of Michelle was berated by her PE teacher for not wearing shorts and the impression was given that there was some major reason for this but it was never explored.
In 2:37 the characters were interviewed as the movie progressed so you were always aware of who they were and what was going on in their lives. That made it easier to get into and care about them. I just didn't have any investment in Elephant and as a result it wasn't nearly as shocking as 2:37.
Look, it wasn't bad. But I was disappointed. Maybe seeing 2:37 first raised my expectations because it was widely reviewed as something of a rip-off but it was heaps better.


Chelsea Taylor said...

Well, I am sorry to hear you didnt like Elephant!
Let me ask this though, have you seen any other Gus Van Sant films or heard anything about his work??
Elephant is very him!

And, being his style, it is entirely intentional not to let us in on any more of the details. The idea is to go through the motions of the everyday life, focusing on the small insignificant details that make up everyday simply because no one knew it would be their last.
The emotion (and the beauty) is in the visual image + the music, not character development.
In terms of the acting, this was the first film for many of these kids - Van Sant intentionally didnt get anyone well known or experienced so that it would be raw and 'real'.

Anyway, as you can tell, I quite like this film.
And I could easily keep talking about it (especially seeing as i have written an essay on it and read many journals about it!)

But having said all that, I can understand why many people did not like it, as with other Van Sant films...
If you didnt like this, then dont see 'Gerry' haha

I am yet to see 2:37 so cannot compare at this stage, but am very keen to see it and will let you know my thoughts then...

Ray said...

My thoughts may have been different had I not seen 2:37 first.
The only other film of his I have seen is Good Will Hunting and it's one of my favourites.