Thursday, May 31, 2018

Is 5.30am the key?

So I've been looking to shake things up a bit but haven't quite been able to come up with something radical enough to make a difference.
The other day I came across a YouTube video by a young guy called Jordan Taylor called 'Waking Up at 5am is Changing My Life' and it got me thinking.

You can watch his YouTube post here.

Obviously his station is a bit different to mine, I'm not a guy in my 20s (which is what I assume he is from looking) so I'm not going to be able to do some of the things he's able but I think the principle will still work.
He's basically stripping things back to detach a bit from technology at times when we're all addicted to it most - before bed and when we wake up. And spends the time away from his phone etc reading, exercising and going back to basics.
From his evidence it has been a revelation and I don't doubt making similar changes will make a difference to me. He says things like his memory has improved and general demeanour.
So here's hoping.
I may opt for the 5am starts at some stage but I'm thinking 5.30am might be a more achievable goal given when I usually get up to go to work. It gives me an hour before that process and I guess the small sacrifice will be going to bed by around 10-10.30pm most days.
To make it work I think Sunday may have to be a 'rest day'.
Exactly what will I do in that hour?
It's the start of winter so luring myself out of a warm bed is no easy task. I actually wish I had a treadmill as in this period of the year it would make exercise a lot easier.
Perhaps a period of stretching, shower and head off to work a bit earlier but take a walk along the Harbour or something prior to getting to the office would work?
Any suggestions would be welcome. I plan to start this on Monday. Hopefully getting up at 5.30am will change mine too!

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